This weeks guest is Scotty Graham
Blogging can be a lonely world when starting out. At first, only family drops by to see your photo of the day or to read what is going on in your world. Sometimes, an occasional friend stops by for a brief visit. Then, as time goes on, someone special drops in by mistake. That someone special for me was the famous man from Portugal, Quint. You all know Quint…he has visited all of you at some time and left a touching, personal note. I don’t know how Quint found my blog, but he liked what he saw, visited me daily, commented, and then told his friends about me. Soon after, another special person dropped by to visit and have a look….that was Tom…and you all know which “Tom” I am talking about…Quint and Tom quickly became by best blogging buddies. Shortly after, I was introduced to Skywatch Friday. The rest, as they say, is history…
Skywatch Friday is not just about posting and showing your favorite photos of the sky. It is about people. This small community (growing leaps and bounds) of 300 or so folks is a remarkable collection of people from all over the world…truly nice people from all walks of life. I wake up every Friday at 1:30am (due to my time zone), turn on my computer, and wait for my very slow internet connection to sign-on to Tom’s site for another addition of Skywatch Friday. When I get there, there are already 20 or more eager people on the list ready for Skywatch. Why the rush? Well, because we all can’t wait to visit each other and see what is in store...a quick trip around the world, and a chance to meet new friends….it is something that I really look forward to every week. Blogging is no longer a lonely world thanks to Skywatch Friday!
So, this week, I am honored to be your guest “greeter”…thanks Tom, Klaus (another great blogging buddy), Sandy and imac for the opportunity. As Tom says every week, make an effort to visit new people on the list, give them a warm welcome, and don’t forget to visit your old friends from time to time to say, “Hello” and to see their sky in their little piece of the world. I hope to meet all of you some day, stop by for a visit any time…
My Skywatch photo below is one of my favorites…Funny story about this photo…I had set up my tripod ready for the sunrise…it was freezing, and I had to set up my camera on a dangerous ledge overlooking the crater. I took a few hundred shots, using my arsenal of lenses, and none came out very well. On the way down the mountain, I pulled over to the side of the road, and quickly snapped this photo hand held. It turned out to be the best shot of the day…so much for all the preparation…