A place to enjoy skies and views from all around the globe. Skywatch is only as good as the people who post here. It is a "not for profit, not for awards" fun place to post and link from. Simply take a picture which includes the Sky, post that picture on your blog and then come here and put your preferred name and link in the relevant places. Try to visit others on the links, those at the beginning and the end.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Holiday Edition

Thursday, December 19, 2013
Skywatch Friday - December 19, 2013 Edition
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Skywatch Friday - December 12, 2013 Edition
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Skywatch Friday - December 5 Edition
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Skywatch Friday - USA Thanksgiving and Hanukkah Edition
On November 28 this year we have a rare combination of holidays in the United States.
(Temple Israel, Tulsa, pardon the image distortion please.)
That day is the Jewish holiday Hanukkah and the USA's Thanksgiving.
Thanksgivukkah anyone? Time to party in my book!! And share some Skywatch Photographs.
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.

(Temple Israel, Tulsa, pardon the image distortion please.)
That day is the Jewish holiday Hanukkah and the USA's Thanksgiving.

Thanksgivukkah anyone? Time to party in my book!! And share some Skywatch Photographs.
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Gettysburg Address Edition
This week marks the 150th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. A two minute hard hitting speech given under an open sky that he wrote himself about America's Civil War and why we should continue on with it.
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Skywatch Friday - November 14, 2013 Edition
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Skywatch Friday - November 7 Edition
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Halloween Edition
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Skywatch Friday - October 24th Edition
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Skywatch Friday - October 17 Edition
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Independence of Guayaquil Edition
So what in tarnation is the Independence of Guayaquil you ask. Guayaquil is the capital city of the South American Country of Ecuador. On October 9, 1820 the citizens of the town overthrew the local Spainish authorities and declared their independence.
I have never been to Guayaquil but would love to go because it is supposed to be a beautiful city. It is called the Pearl of the Pacific. I saw the ship above in New Orleans a few years ago. It is the BAE Guayas, an Ecuadorean Navy training ship. I think it is beautiful. What made the ship memorable to me is the condor figurehead as show below.
I mean scantily clad women may be more traditional but there is nothing cooler than a condor for a figurehead. At least in my opinion.
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
I have never been to Guayaquil but would love to go because it is supposed to be a beautiful city. It is called the Pearl of the Pacific. I saw the ship above in New Orleans a few years ago. It is the BAE Guayas, an Ecuadorean Navy training ship. I think it is beautiful. What made the ship memorable to me is the condor figurehead as show below.
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Season 7, Episode 14
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Skywatch Friday - West Side Story Edition
Hey Skywatchers, the musical West Side Story opened up in New York City on September 26, 1957. It is a great musical by Leonard Bernstein.
I got to see Bernstein in June, 1984 in Houston, Texas where his "A Quiet Place" premiered. He came out on stage afterward to take a bow and people were yelling "Bernie" which I thought was kind of strange since I don't think anybody there knew him personally, especially at the top of the highest balcony where I sat. So maybe the high balcony, way up out of the action is the tie to Skywatching. Yep, that's it exactly....
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Battle of the Sexes Edition

Those bloggers of a certain age may remember September 20, 1973 when Billie Jean King defeated Bobby Riggs in a tennis match titled "The Battle of the Sexes." To me nothing more embodied the goofiness of the 70's more than that match. What does that have to do with Skywatch Friday? I am not sure is what I say, but it was a heck of a spectacle. I think I watched it, I am not sure.I had just started college and I had a lot going on. I think I watched it but you know I find tennis kind of boring (no offense.)
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Skywatch Friday - 9/11 Edition

(A girder from one of the buildings attacked in New York City on 9/11 now at a Memorial to the attack in Bixby, Oklahoma.)
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Skywqtch Friday - Season 7, Episode 10
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Season 7, Episode 9
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Skywatch Friday, Season 7 Episode 8
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Hurricane Alicia Edition
On August 15, 1983 Hurricane Alicia formed in the Gulf of Mexico. Three days later it landed at Galveston, Texas. I was fat dumb and sassy in my house in Conroe, Texas about a hundred miles inland to the north. I wasn't so sassy when I saw it on television pounding downtown Houston a little later and the winds were popping windows out of the high rises and sending them flying all over downtown like frisbees. A few hours later it went through Conroe and although much diminished by then, the wind blew so hard that the trees in my yard were bent over parallel to the ground and a few fell down. I had newfound respect for hurricanes and vowed that next time I'm going to Nebraska, early.
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Skywatch Friday, Season 7, Episode 5
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Season 7, Episode 4
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Season 7, Episode 3
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Season 7, Episode 2
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Birthday Edition!!!

Lets light the candles and have a party, Skywatch Friday starts its seventh year today.
Some of us are posting our best Skywatch post ever to celebrate the anniversary and to honor and remember Klaus the man who started this meme and who is now no longer with us?
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Skywatch Friday - July 4 Edition

Thursday July 4 is of course the USA's Independence Day Celebration. We eat too much and set off fireworks.
This week is also Episode 52 of the Sixth Season. Next week will be the Episode 1 of the Seventh Season. How about posting your best Skywatch post ever to celebrate the anniversary and to honor and remember Klaus the man who started this meme and who is now no longer with us?
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Season 6, Episode 51
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Queen Victoria Edition
(Queen Victoria's Coronation Portrait) http://qvj.chadwyck.com
On June 20, 1837 Queen Victoria ascended to the throne of England.Great Britain and Ireland She reigned for 63 years and seven months. Do you doubt that she was a Skywatcher? Well the Royal Astronomical Society gave her a "Loyal Address" on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee, the 50th year of her reign. The address says in part:
"... on behalf of those within the wide limits of Your Majesty's empire, who are interested in the development of astronomy, we gratefully acknowledge the benefits we have enjoyed during the long continuance of Your Majesty's reign:...."
Tell me now that she was not a Skywatcher.
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Roller Coaster Edition
On June 16, 1884 the first Roller Coaster in America opened up at Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. It cost a nickel to ride and went 6 miles per hour. My how times have changed in the roller coaster world.
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Drive-in Edition
June 6 is the 80th anniversary of the first drive-in movie opening. It happened in Camden, New Jersey. Just think, watching the sky and watching a movie. What a concept.
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Skywatch Friday - John Wayne Edition
In case you missed it, May 26 would have been John Wayne's 106th birthday. You know that if Al Gore had invented the internet earlier Mr. Wayne would have been joining us in Skywatch.
Oh well, we'll just have to carry on without him.
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Moore, Oklahoma Edition
The skies turned ugly in Moore, Oklahoma this week. My family and I live over two hours from where the damage was so we are okay but we, along with people all over the country and world, grieve for the loss of life and destruction of homes and property. The skies are beautiful here in Oklahoma but sometimes they can terrify. I tell you what though, watching the help the victims are getting from everybody from large corporations to sports stars to schoolchildren restores ones faith in our fellow men and women. - Yogi
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Season 6, Episode 45
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Season 6, Episolde 44
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Season 6, Episolde 43
Welcome to Skywatch Friday - Nessie Edition. Today, May second, is the eightieth anniversary of the first modern sighting of the Loch Ness Monster. I am sure one of these days one of our Scottish Skywatchers will post photographs of Nessie lolling about the surface of Loch Ness.
Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
By Immanuel Giel (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Skywatch Friday Season 6, Episode 42
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where fellow bloggers from all over the world post their photographs of their sky. Link up with us and visit as many other participants as you can. A special welcome always to those who are visiting or posting their first time.
Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Blue Mosque Edition
Welcome to Skywatch Friday!
Today, Thursday April 18, is the birthday of the fourteenth Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Ahmed I. He was born in 1590 and among other things built the Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Instanbul, more popularly known as The Blue Mosque. You have to figure that if the internet was around back then that the Sultan would be a Skywatcher.
Thank you for participating, link up your post and then visit the other bloggers.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Skywatch Friday - Apollo 13 Edition
Forty three years ago today (Thursday) NASA launched Apollo 13 on a mission to the moon. Four days later an oxygen tank exploded. Thanks to the inventiveness of the ground support team and the astronauts all the crew made it back safely to earth on April 17. So here is to the brave crew of Apollo 13, Jim Lovell, Jack Swiggert, and Fred Haise and to their support engineers and others on the ground who used considerable ingenuity in getting the crew back alive.
Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sandy, and Sylvia.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Skywatch Friday Season 6, Episode 39 - Birthday of William H. Jackson
So in honor of a great early day Skywatcher linkup and share the skies with each other.
Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sandy, and Sylvia.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Skywatch Friday Season 6, Episode 38
Today is a special day. Not only is March 28 Skywatch Friday Day, it is Lady Gaga's birthday, and...
on this day (March 28) in 1794 the Louvre Museum officially opened to the public. 219 years is very long time in anybody's book. The museum is definitely on my bucket list, Lady Gaga is not.
So please link up below so we can check out each other's photos of the sky. (My apologies on the linkup, for some reason I extended last weeks linkup to this week. Please go ahead and link anyway.)
Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sandy, and Sylvia.
(from IranReview.com)
on this day (March 28) in 1794 the Louvre Museum officially opened to the public. 219 years is very long time in anybody's book. The museum is definitely on my bucket list, Lady Gaga is not.
So please link up below so we can check out each other's photos of the sky. (My apologies on the linkup, for some reason I extended last weeks linkup to this week. Please go ahead and link anyway.)
Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sandy, and Sylvia.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Skywatch Friday, Season 6, Episode 37
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Skywatch Friday Season 6, Episode 36
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Skywatch Friday Season 6, Episode 35
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Skywatch Friday: Season 6, Episode 34
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Skywatch Friday: Season 6, Episode 33
Welcome again to Skywatch Friday! Did you notice the Google Doodle on February 19th in honor of Copernicus' 504th birthday? The famous Polish astronomer devised the heliocentric theory of the Solar System. I am certain that he was an early day Skywatcher!
Hosted by Yogi, Sandy and Sylvia
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Skywatch Friday: Season 6, Episode 32

Welcome to Skywatch Friday! I'm your new host Yogi. Please bear with me and be patient as I try to navigate the mysteries of InLinkz scripts. Please email me at yogiabb(at)yahoo(dot)com if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Thank you to Sandy our previous host who stepped in and kept this meme going and to our other co-host Sylvia.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Skywatch Friday: Season 6, Episode 31
Alan of Yogi's Den has agreed to host Skywatch and will updating the blog from week to week. Yogi is a longtime blogger who is also an excellent photographer, intrepid geocacher, and thoroughly fine human being whose presence in the blogosphere make him the perfect host.
To the several other folks who expressed interest in hosting Skywatch, thank you!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Skywatch Friday: Season 6, Episode 30
This will be my last week as Skywatch Friday host. Please let me know if you're willing to step up. Just leave a comment on my blog.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Thursday, January 3, 2013
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