Today, (Thursday) in the United States we give thanks for our many blessings. We will also spend time with family, watch some football maybe, and probably eat too much. Don't get carried away my fellow countrymen and women and forget to post a Skywatch photograph or two.
Welcome to another edition of Skywatch Friday featuring photographs from all over the world.
Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sandy and Sylvia.
Welcome to another edition of Skywatch Friday featuring photographs from all over the world.
Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sandy and Sylvia.
Welcome to another edition of Skywatch Friday featuring photographs from all over the world.
Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sandy and Sylvia.
Welcome to another edition of Skywatch Friday. Join in with your posts featuring views of the Sky and share with Skywatchers from all over the world.
Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sandy and Sylvia.