Well it is Thanksgiving in the USA where we eat, and then eat some more, visit with family, watch lots of football and then eat some more and visit some more. We Skywatchers of the world will sneak outside and check out the skies at some point.
Thank you for participating. Just show up whenever you can, post a link to your individual blog post using the linky below, link back to Skywatch Friday on your page, visit your fellow Skywatchers and have fun. The linky restarts every Thursday at 3:30 eastern time. It causes Yogi lots of anxiety. You see his boss has her staff meeting from 3 to 4 eastern time so if he doesn't hear his phone go ping, ping, ping at the half hour he knows he messed up and there is not a darn thing he can do about it until later. His employer has this strange idea that their work is more important than Skywatch Friday you see.
Anyway, Yogi, Sandy, and Sylvia are your Skywatch Friday team. Thank you for showing up.