Thursday, July 9, 2009

Skywatch Friday No. 52

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!

A reminder: If you have submitted an image already (or plan to) - please make sure that
you follow the steps on the How To page. We can not publish images, that have
no copyright release attached or do not provide a link to your site.
Please to resize your images to 800*600 pixel, too. Thank you!

Our today's host is Hildegarde

SkyWatching is about looking up and that becomes an attitude. It’s also like getting postcards from all over the world every week. Every contribution is a surprise, a present and a warm contact. I painted 23 of them together (oil paint on paper, 50x70) as an exercise (painting asks a lot of practice). I made a difficult choice of “postcards” and let me inspire by the photos of : from the left to the right : P-ter, Naturegirl, Norway Anne, Hildegarde, East Gwillimbury Wow, Koala, Valkyrien, Barbara, Arija, Baruch, Ozgirl, Ivar Ivrig, Mojo, Potted frog, Photo Cache, Afanja, Some photomoments Eric, Paz, Misty Dawn, Luiz Ramos forest and vertically : Sandy Carlson, Sara Irish and Erin. Warm regards to all skywatchers and have a nice week !

Please do read the rules, before you post!!!!

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Ivar | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise