Thursday, May 20, 2010

Skywatch Friday, Season 4, Episode 45

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"! Check it out!

We only have a few Guest host images left! Please submit more!

Only 8 more weeks, and Skywatch is turning 5 years!
Let us hear your suggestions, how to celebrate!

Our Guest Host today is Ania

This image is dedicated to the the 97 Poles that died in the horrible
Plane Crash last month, which included Polish President Lech Kaczynski and
many members of the government.
Please note, that we can't post images to a specific issue - even if it is about an important current event.
We post Guest Host images in the order of submission - no exception.

By signing in to Skywatch, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy|Sylvia