Thursday, December 31, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 25

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Skywatch is on Facebook!

Have a wonderful start into the
New Year!

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"! Check it out!

If you entry is not showing or can't be found  please check here!
By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 24

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Skywatch is on Facebook!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Great Start into 2010
for all you Skywatchers out there!

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"! Check it out!

If you entry is not showing or can't be found  please check here!
By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4, Episode 23

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Skywatch is on Facebook!

Today's Guest host is Squirrel Queen (Judy)

Drive to Snake River

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!

If you entry is not showing or can't be found  please check here!
By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Public Service Announcement

Hi there!

We're glad that you're participating in Skywatch today.

We had some (smaller) problems in the past, that concern the Mr. Linky Name entries.
We tried to point them out with info in the sidebar and in our posts, but unfortunately
they are not being read by many, so we had to edit almost half of the made entries
manually to correct them. And that takes up a lot of time - that we could skip, if
everyone would take a little time to read and then make his name entry.

There are two things, that we would like to address:

1. The length of the entry: There is only so much space available (27 letters to be precise) to make your name entry, without breaking the layout of the table and adding additional rows for all entries, causing you to have to scroll much more. Of course we want to avoid that and have the entries as compact as possible.
So please - keep it short. :)

This is a good entry: Jane Doe, MS, USA

This is a not so good example: John Doe @ The raving Journalist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America.

So please - Only your name or your Blogs name (not both), and if you want to add
State and Country (which is totally optional), please use abbreviations.

No cities, areas. And there's no need to tell us that you're "in" Indonesia, or "of" Utah.
And for all we know, London is not a country, neither is Idaho.

The whole adding the location is a thing, that we thought might be neat, to see.
But it is entirely optional - and if your entry is too long - just leave it out. :)

2. The entries themselves:
While it's not a big problem what you enter, when having only a couple of dozen entries, it becomes one, when way over 100.

Our Main goal is to keep the links readable.
If special characters, like @ ~ etc are being used, or Entries are made in all caps, the
readability suffers.
While we understand, that you want to make your entry stand out, we think that every
entry is equally important and should have the same chance to be seen and found as the next one.
Since we are a community - please do consider that, when you make your entry. Be a team
player. ONLY letters, digits and comma.

No Special Characters, Brackets, Dashes etc.  ({[!@#$%^-_&*:<

And a last note on our policy on commercial sites.
We don't have a problem, if you run Ads on your site, or sell things.

We have a problem, when you use Skywatch/MyWorld to promote your products
or anything at all. That we won't allow - Skywatch/MyWorld is entirely Non Profit.

And we have a problem with sites that has "paid for" content. If you are being paid for
blogging and don't comply to US Laws that have been established by the FTC for
this instance - please do not post. And if you want to and are not sure - use our
contact page, send us your link and we check your site and give you the OK. (or not).
These measures are there to protect the visitors we send to sites of participants.

Thank you for reading and your understanding!
We will run this Announcement a couple of times, so that everyone has the chance to
read it. And for those, who think they don't need to be courteous and respect the
community - well those entries will no longer be edited. They will be deleted.
They can be re-posted correctly, of course.

Enough said - let's go to the fun part!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 21

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Skywatch is on Facebook!

We're out of Guest Host contributions! Send some in!

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!
Pretty Please???

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 20

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Skywatch is on Facebook!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Our today's Guest host is Alastair Spinks
We get a lot of summer thunderstorms and I enjoy trying to photograph the lightning using long exposures.  This time the storm had passed over and it was starting to clear, just before sunset.  Near the beginning of this 15-second exposure lightning hit the tree across the road, and I was lucky enough to capture it.

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!
Pretty Please???

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 19

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Skywatch is on Facebook!

Our today's Guest host is Evita
"A warm summer night is on the horizon as the sun sets, over the beautiful landscape of north-eastern Ontario. Nature bids farewell to yet another day, as it ushers in a new night."

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!
Pretty Please???

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 18

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Skywatch is on Facebook!

Our today's Guest host is Heidi Fossen

Sunset in Aurskog

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 22

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Skywatch is on Facebook!

This Weeks Guest Host: Gail Adams

This shows a Florida Everglades sunset through some Melaluca trees.

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!

If your entry was deleted - please read this and re-enter correctly.
By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 17

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Skywatch is on Facebook!

Our today's Guest host is Diana

We are fortunate to see the developing and ever changing weather patterns as they occur in the western sky here in the Pacific northwest... dynamic beauty as we look toward the coastal range on this morning. The expectation is for rain, but it could quickly change to sun and partial cloudy conditions. For now we enjoy this watercolor sky..

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 16

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Skywatch is on Facebook!

Our today's Guest host is Laurie on the Prairie

The Giving Tree
The Prairie of Northeastern South Dakota, west of Watertown.

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 15

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Skywatch is on Facebook!

Our today's Guest host is Amitava Maulik

Couldn't resist taking this picture of autumn sunset in Kolkata. This time the monsoon is lasting much longer than normal.
The late monsoon clouds are resulting in dramatic sunsets almost every day.
The photo was taken with a Canon Powershot G3.

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 14

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

We're happy to have a new member in our team!
Say Hello to

Our today's Guest host is Colleen Walton
October of 2008 in Aruba on Eagle Beach. This was one one of the most beautiful blue skies I've ever seen.

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise | Sylvia

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 13

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

A word on our own behalf.
We got a lot of flak in the last 2 years, for not allowing some bloggers to participate,
that chose to blog for money - without disclosing it properly and that decided to
disguise product endorsements as "personal" blog entries and "experience".
Now the FTC put new regulations into law to combat just that. If money changes
hands for blogpost, endorsements etc. - it HAS to be properly disclosed and that
concerns personal blogs equally. It is nice to see our position vindicated by the
Federal Trade Commission, using the same arguments we did.

Our today's Guest host is Kcalpesh Ajugia
It was such a beautiful evening at GOA's Calangute Beach when just before the sunset, the sky turned into a gradient of red orange yellow & blue. Its amazing sometimes, how nature can surprise you by it's beauty. No one had thought they'd see such a wonderful scenery that day. All of us were sure very lucky. All the people present there were amazed and everyone around, whom I noticed, was only gazing at the sky. I really hope to see something so stunning again.

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!


Please give us a break and read the rules!!

We want to make your submissions as easy to read for everyone, and we want
everyone to have the same chances to be found. So please - in Mr. Linkies Name
field just enter your name(Blogname) and your Country if you like to.
As simple as that: MyBlog, France
No fancy decorations and stuff like that. If your entry exceeds the form field - it is too long!
Be considerate - you are in a community after all - and these rules are there to make it work. Thanks!

Please note: URL Shorteners are NOT allowed. Entries using them will be deleted immediately.
And please - do not post via Twitter - images are the basis of Skywatch - so Twitter is not the way to go.

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 12

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Our today's Guest host is Qaiser Kayani

Beginning of a long journey. Snapped at Jumeriah Beach, Dubai

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!


Please give us a break and read the rules!!

We want to make your submissions as easy to read for everyone, and we want
everyone to have the same chances to be found. So please - in Mr. Linkies Name
field just enter your name(Blogname) and your Country if you like to.
As simple as that: MyBlog, France
No fancy decorations and stuff like that. If your entry exceeds the form field - it is too long!
Be considerate - you are in a community after all - and these rules are there to make it work. Thanks!

Please note: URL Shorteners are NOT allowed.
Entries using them will be deleted immediately.

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 11

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Our today's Guest host is Marcy

Living in Orange County, California you are given many opportunities to capture unique and lovely images. However, I have always preferred to turn my lens upward to capture the blue skies of Southern California. This image was taken at the iconic Disneyland Resort recently. And on a good day, with a great sky it is nearly impossible to get a bad shot. So SkyWatch is a great opportunity for me to showcase the sheer beauty of the area I love so much. I have been told I always had my 'head in the clouds', and after finding SkyWatch Friday- I consider it a compliment!

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!


Please give us a break and read the rules!!

We want to make your submissions as easy to read for everyone, and we want
everyone to have the same chances to be found. So please - in Mr. Linkies Name
field just enter your name(Blogname) and your Country if you like to.
As simple as that: MyBlog, France
No fancy decorations and stuff like that. If your entry exceeds the form field - it is too long!
Be considerate - you are in a community after all - and these rules are there to make it work. Thanks!

Please note: URL Shorteners are NOT allowed.
Entries using them will be deleted immediately.

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 10

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Our today's Guest host is Barb

Sunset in Pennsylvania

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!


Please give us a break and read the rules!!

We want to make your submissions as easy to read for everyone, and we want
everyone to have the same chances to be found. So please - in Mr. Linkies Name
field just enter your name(Blogname) and your Country if you like to.
As simple as that: MyBlog, France
No fancy decorations and stuff like that. If your entry exceeds the form field - it is too long!
Be considerate - you are in a community after all - and these rules are there to make it work. Thanks!

Please note: URL Shorteners are NOT allowed.
Entries using them will be deleted immediately.

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 9

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Thank you Ivar!
For a good year Ivar has been a member of the Skywatch and MyWorld Team.
Now that he's leaving it's time to say thanks for your help and hard work!
You're welcome to visit Ivar's Site to say thank you yourself!

Our today's Guest host is KrizcPec
Sunset in Hong Kong

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!


Please give us a break and read the rules!!

We want to make your submissions as easy to read for everyone, and we want
everyone to have the same chances to be found. So please - in Mr. Linkies Name
field just enter your name(Blogname) and your Country if you like to.
As simple as that: MyBlog, France
No fancy decorations and stuff like that. If your entry exceeds the form field - it is too long!
Be considerate - you are in a community after all - and these rules are there to make it work. Thanks!

Please note: URL Shorteners are NOT allowed.
Entries using them will be deleted immediately.

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 8

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

We changed the title around a little to reflect the fact, that Skywatch
is around for quite a while - now in it's 4th year! Thank you for being part of it!

Our today's Guest host is Terrence Weijnschenk

It depicts a canal near my appartment in Amsterdam.
As a matter of fact, had I pointed the camera slightly more to the right my house would've been in the picture.
It was taken just before sundown with my trusty Nokia N93 mobile camera, which also can be used as a phone.
Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!


Please give us a break and read the rules!!

We want to make your submissions as easy to read for everyone, and we want
everyone to have the same chances to be found. So please - in Mr. Linkies Name
field just enter your name(Blogname) and your Country if you like to.
As simple as that: MyBlog, France
No fancy decorations and stuff like that. If your entry exceeds the form field - it is too long!
Be considerate - you are in a community after all - and these rules are there to make it work. Thanks!

Please note: URL Shorteners are NOT allowed.
Entries using them will be deleted immediately.

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Ivar | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Season 4 Episode 7

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

We changed the title around a little to reflect the fact, that Skywatch
is around for quite a while - now in it's 4th year! Thank you for being part of it!

Our today's Guest host is Susan Ellis
It's been so wet and soggy that when the rain stopped this afternoon, it was time to take a photo just to prove that the sky is dry for a minute!
Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!


Please give us a break and read the rules!!

We want to make your submissions as easy to read for everyone, and we want
everyone to have the same chances to be found. So please - in Mr. Linkies Name
field just enter your name(Blogname) and your Country if you like to.
As simple as that: MyBlog, France
No fancy decorations and stuff like that. If your entry exceeds the form field - it is too long!
Be considerate - you are in a community after all - and these rules are there to make it work. Thanks!

Please note: URL Shorteners are NOT allowed.
Entries using them will be deleted immediately.

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Ivar | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Skywatch Friday No. 58

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!
Check it out!

Again we got a great response and we're sorting through
all the submissions. For those who submitted, but already have been a Guest Host - we think it's fair to limited Guest
Host postings to once a season!

Next week we will feature your Posts again.

So go ahead and give us
your best!

Please do read the rules !!!, before you post!!!!

When signing up for Mr. Linky - please be kind and follow these steps:

  1. Check your URL carefully BEFORE you submit.
  2. Use Name or blog name and do NOT exceed the length of the entry field.
  3. Do NOT enter a description of your post.
  4. Please do NOT add things like "Corrected link", or tie Skywatch to
    any kind of promotion.
  5. It's nice to add your COUNTRY and if there's room for the two letter
    abbreviation of your state, but refrain from using counties or cities etc.
  6. Please do NOT use special characters like: @ ~ * ( ) { } [ ] # ! ^ ? < > :, smilies etc. and please do NOT use ALL CAPITAL Letters
  7. Click here and let us know if you have a problem entering your link. Be considerate and don't just add a second or third link.

    We want to make your submissions as easy to read for everyone, and we want
    everyone to have the same chances to be found

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Ivar | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Skywatch Friday No. 57

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!

A reminder: If you have submitted an image already (or plan to) - please make sure that
you follow the steps on the How To page. We can not publish images, that have
no copyright release attached or do not provide a link to your site.
Please to resize your images to 800*600 pixel, too. Thank you!

So go ahead and give us
your best!

Please do read the rules, before you post!!!!

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Ivar | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Skywatch Friday No. 56

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!

A reminder: If you have submitted an image already (or plan to) - please make sure that
you follow the steps on the How To page. We can not publish images, that have
no copyright release attached or do not provide a link to your site.
Please to resize your images to 800*600 pixel, too. Thank you!

Our today's host is Aditi Das

Mesmerizing evening with colorful extravaganza across the firmament, captured from by rooftop in Bangalore. The sky displaying its brilliant and bright colors before being engulfed by the dark night sky.
Please do read the rules, before you post!!!!

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Ivar | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Public Service Announcement

Dear Skywatchers,

Today we take a slightly different route to have you sign up for Skywatch.

The main reason is, that we want to use this detour, to explain the "How to"
and the reason, why we ask for your help.

Skywatch Friday is one of the most successful memes on the web and according
to your responses over time, one of the main reason for it is, that the Skywatch
Team takes measure to ensure, that a) Spammers and Cons are kept away and
b) that we actively maintain the site and are there to help, when help is needed.

And that is quite a bit of work for the team, but everyone is doing it gladly, because
we all love our Skywatch Friday!

And you can help us to make our work a little easier, by reading the Rules
and following the guidelines on how to enter your Post in Mr. Linky.

While everyone participating sure wants his/her post to stand out, our
goal is that everyone has the same chances to be seen.

The only way to do that, is that we regulate, what can be entered in Mr. Linkies
Name field.
The first problem is a technical one. There is only limited space available to
display it on the page. If you enter a long text, it will inevitably break the table,
introduce an unwanted linebreak and will force everyone to scroll more to see
the list of participants.
So please, keep yourself short.

Ideal entries would be: Blogname, Country or Your Name, Country.
If you want to add your state as well, please use the common two Letter abbreviation.

And for the rest - please use your Post to show your creativity - not!! your Name entry.

Entries like : ~~~SWEETHEART@MySuPeR Blog :) in MyTown, Statename, USA Rainbow over the field

WILL be deleted without notice.

We will only allow comma and Letters - please leave all other special characters out.
Same goes for writing in ALL CAPS.

If you believe that this is too much of rules - we're open to suggestions. We invite
you however to check a random page at e.g. Craigslist and see how well these
entries are actually legible.

Legibility is our main reason for asking you to make it plain and simple - be a teamplayer
on that one, will ya?

Lastly on the issue of commercial sites and our request to ask for permission, before

We have no problem with anyone having ads on his/her site. We do however have
problems, when sites are using Skywatch for their own gain, to collect addresses,
push Spy - or Adware - or trying to take advantage of the Skywatchers that we send over.

In particular Sites, that deploy paid reviews or whose owners are being paid per post are
operating in a legal gray zone. It is our opinion, that paid reviews and paid posts are
nothing but pure advertising. If these site do NOT disclose that fact in each post in question
we consider that as deception. And by the way - we're not alone with that opinion.
The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has legislative in the works addressing exactly
this issue. The FTC is planning to apply the same laws and regulations to online
publishing as they are law for years in the printing and advertising world. That
means that by law every paid review and post has to be clearly identified as such.

Even though we got flack from some Bloggers about this, claiming that it is not our
business, and that they could do whatever they want on their own site, we will stay
our course, because we consider these practices as deceptive and user unfriendly.
And since we are the ones sending visitors to other participants, we try as good as
we can to avoid sending you to sites that are questionable.

One last practical tip. Mr. Linky uses cookie and if you enter your Name and URL,
last weeks entries pop up first. Please check carefully before submitting - because
that often is the cause for wrong entries.
If you made a wrong entry and can't fix it yourself using the Mr. Linky Help Page,
please contact us and ask US to fix it. Don't just enter another entry. Not only does
that add to our workload, it also is cause for frustration for those following an incorrect link.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Skywatch Friday No. 55

Hello Skywatchers!
Glad you're on board again!

Want to be a Guest host, too? Here is the Page, that explains the "How To"!

A reminder: If you have submitted an image already (or plan to) - please make sure that
you follow the steps on the How To page. We can not publish images, that have
no copyright release attached or do not provide a link to your site.
Please to resize your images to 800*600 pixel, too. Thank you!

Our today's host is
Eric from the Netherlands
This picture I made a couple of weeks ago in my backyard.
I was playing with some ideas for Skywatch and this is the final result.
Please do read the rules, before you post!!!!

By signing in to Mr. Linky, you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them.

Thank you for being part of the Skywatch Community!
Your Skywatch Team:
| Sandy | Ivar | Wren | Fishing Guy| Louise